So, you write an article. You’ve concluded that it’s interesting, informative and beneficial to existing and potential clients. Now what?
Once you’ve distributed an article, it’s easy to forget about the work you’ve already done and move on to the next project in your marketing strategy. However, you’ve already put in the effort to create this content — don’t let it go to waste!
Content repurposing is the process of reusing existing content in additional ways (think: newsletters, social media, video, presentations, in-store handouts, slideshows…etc.) For example, if you’ve published a blog post, distribute the same information to your social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Depending on the medium, you may need to condense or add to the content. Another example: if you’re repurposing an article’s content into a video, try to avoid reading the article like a script. Work through the article to add a conversational tone. This way, you’ll maintain the content you began with, but you’ll also increase its effectiveness for video.
Get creative with content repurposing and adapt your existing content in fresh, new ways. You’ll be surprised how far one article will go!