Find My Community News Website!   Get connected to everything local.   Click here! is a modern digital newspaper that is read and shaped by individual communities. With more than 250 community-focused editions, delivers hyperlocal news online, in email and through social media.

  • More than 300,000 people in the Dallas-Fort Worth area rely on BubbleLife for their local news.
  • More than 80,000 subscribe to their community’s daily email newsletter.

The overall audience of BubbleLife breaks down as follows:

  • Female (62%) with children (50%)
  • Age 35-55 (48%)
  • Income of $100,000+ (40%)
  • College Educated (52%)
  • Postgraduate Educated (20%)

Please feel free to contact us with questions at or call us at 469-617-4155.

A Comprehensive Local Advertising & Marketing Plan for Dallas-Fort Worth

To attract customers, a local business must be prominent where consumers go online for information. Marketing alongside local news is your start and this plan focuses on online, email and social media exposure to thousands in your targeted advertising community.

Each BubbleLife community has its own news website and daily email digest of new articles.

What’s Included?

Online and Email Native Advertising

BubbleLife native advertising blends into our local news as content. Without being overbearing and disrupting a customer’s experience, native advertising statistically captures more attention, builds trust and better engagement. Native ads are viewed as editorial content and have greater potential to be shared, generating virally powered word-of-mouth marketing for advertisers.

  • 1 Online Native Ad on Local News (See 5 in Graphic)
    • Displayed online in rotation with other advertisers.
  • 1 Email Native Ad on Local Newsletter (See 7 in Graphic)
    • Emailed daily to a portion of email subscribers in the local database for your selected community.
    • Displayed online in rotation with other advertisers.
  •  Specs: Title: 40 Characters including spaces | 40 Words

Digital Advertising

Digital banner ads consistently remind locals that you are open and accepting business. These “browse by” billboards on BubbleLife News Websites brand businesses as locally prominent.

  • 1 Tower Ad on News Website – 336p x 600 pixels at 72 dpi (See 2 in Graphic)
    • This above-the-fold location will rotate with other advertisers on the news website front page and interior pages.
  • 1 Side Bar Ad on News Website – 336p x 75 pixels at 72 dpi (See 4 in Graphic)
    • This ad is in a permanent location on the front page side bar. Placement changes with page refresh.

Content Advertising

Content gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge and position yourself as an expert. People don’t want to be sold — they want to make a smart buying decision. With our distribution engine, you will reach new and past customers online, in email and on social media, all while building your authority on Google and other search engines. 

  • Guaranteed distribution for one article monthly to selected advertising communities.
  • A PR portal for content (articles & events) self-submission, enhanced SEO, and view monitoring.

BubbleLife Business Directory Listing

The Advice Connect Business Directory serves as a hyperlocal business resource for communities within the network. Your business will benefit from local visibility, SEO enhancement and easy access to our content distribution engine.