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Case Study – Computer Troubleshooters

Computer Troubleshooters

More than 250,000 impressions in 18 months


Professional Services


Fred Givhan, owner of Computer Troubleshooters, was looking to make his business top-of-mind in a highly competitive arena.

Key to Fred’s success is the ability to reach neighborhood customers.


The IT support business is highly competitive, and it can be difficult to stand out—particularly when there are larger, more well-known national firms handling PC repairs, computer virus removals, and small business IT support.


Fred started consistently running advertising on, and is now one of its longest-running advertisers because of its ability to help his business stay in front of neighborhood customers and promote selected specials to new customers.
Computer Troubleshooters

As Fred has become frustrated with other marketing providers, BubbleLife stepped in to help him:

  • Salvage a website redesign that had gone wrong, and in the process turn his website into a reliable tool for generating business leads.
  • Create and distribute monthly content through that has dramatically improved his visibility on Google search.
  • Deliver email to previous customers based on the monthly content (these emails helped Fred get the most from existing customer relationships with minimal cost.)
  • Distribution of online surveys to customers so that Fred had consistent feedback on performance and areas of improvement.


In one 18-month period, Fred generated more than a quarter of a million impressions among his neighborhood audience, with well over a thousand clicks on his ads and content. On his Insights Report, the monthly report generated from Advice Connect, Fred can see how his ads and articles generate actions, website visits, and most importantly leads and calls.