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Haley Brand Intelligence Case Study

Haley Brand Intelligence Case Study

Haley Brand Intelligence provides marketing consulting and execution to a variety of local and national clients.

“This is like driving a Porsche compared to Infusionsoft.” – Gayle Haley

The Problem

Haley Brand was using Infusionsoft for managing their customer information, tracking leads and send email marketing messages. Though it seemed to have all the right features, Infusionsoft was difficult and confusing to use, provided inaccurate lead scoring and ultimately wasn’t offering much more value than simple email solutions. Gayle Haley, the owner, wanted the capabilities but was frustrated with trying to make Infusionsoft work for her.

The Solution

BubbleLife helped Gayle import her current customer list from Infusionsoft into Advice Connect and trained Gayle on how to use the automated lead scoring capabilities of Advice Connect. Then, BubbleLife trained Gayle on how to link her social media accounts and blog into Advice Connect to make communicating much easier.

The Results

For Gayle the results were instant. She immediately started getting better lead insights and was able to identify good prospects who weren’t surfaced in the previous system.