We launched BubbleLife Connect just a few months ago and the response has been amazing. Customers are routinely using their free Connect accounts get noticed by more people with less effort. But we know we can help you more.
We’ve just made some major updates to BubbleLife which affect both your Connect account and your ability to get free advertising on BubbleLife.com websites.
BubbleLife Connect
BubbleLife Connect now sports a fancy new interface with a lighter look and feel. In addition, Connect now features:
Here’s a link to the revised Getting Started Guide:
Free Advertising
On all the BubbleLife.com neighborhood sites (now all 60!), we’ve added a feature we call the “Bulletin Board”. The bulletin board let’s you post your announcement, ad, open house, job opening or event and distribute it to the neighborhood through our daily newsletters and website.
To post on a neighborhood bulletin board, click the “Bulletins” link just under the masthead of any of our local sites, then look for the green “Post a Bulletin” button. You can include a date, an address and even photos and an inquiry form is shown along with the bulletin to direct responses back to you.
The bulletin board is free to use for individuals, business and organizations. We welcome your posts!
Jeff Farris