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1 August 2012

One Easy Way to Get a Repeat Customer – Guaranteed!

Ask. It really is that simple, yet surprisingly few businesses take the time to ask their customers to come back either during their first visit or later after they’ve left. Asking for a repeat visit is simple and there are a variety of ways to ask including: Providing a return visit coupon Posting on Facebook […]

18 July 2012

Unhappy Customers Never Go Away

A few years ago when a customer had a bad experience they told their friends and the story typically ended there. The cost to the business was the loss of one customer and a few of his or her friends. For businesses with a large number of customers, the loss of a few customers was […]

30 June 2012

Has This Happened to You?

A local business decided to advertise in local print media. The owner had to commit to multiple months and was assured that the media’s distribution and her great ad would generate customers. But after a few months and no calls, she began to wonder: Did my ad reach the people it needed to reach? Is […]

20 June 2012

Why Bubba’s is a Better Role Model than Apple

Many businesses look to Apple as a role model for exemplary customer service. Even large companies like JC Penney are trying to emulate Apple’s retail experience. But there are things in the Apple customer service model that don’t really apply to most neighborhood businesses such as: Ultramodern storefronts Cashless and paperless checkout Minimal inventory Abundance […]

17 May 2012

10 Common Local Business Website Mistakes

A good website is now one of the most important things a local business can do to generate new customers. But the definition of a good website is too often that it “looks good” without really understanding how a website functions with customers and the rest of the Internet. Here is a list of the […]

11 April 2012

Facebook vs. Email

Facebook and email both serve the same purpose – they help keep your business in front of customers. But each has its own pros and cons and limited time can deter many businesses from making the best use of each. Here’s a quick run down of the two. Facebook Pros Easy to compose and distribute […]

15 March 2012

My Website Looks Great, What’s Wrong With That?

There is nothing wrong with a great looking website if that’s all you want. But most local businesses also want their website to make the phone ring and generate sales. A great looking website doesn’t, by itself, achieve these goals. A website is the transition from marketing to sales – where advertising stops and customer acquisition […]

26 February 2012

What’s So Bad About Flash on my Website?

100 million iPhones and 50 million iPads. That’s the estimate for Apple unit sales in 2012 alone. And, Adobe Flash runs on none of them. Those numbers are a large part of the reason Adobe abandoned mobile Flash development last year. Adobe’s announcement means that even the newer non-Apple devices won’t be supporting Flash either […]

16 January 2012
Advertising, Branding

Getting Customers to Your Business

My son likes the Harry Potter Wii game (hang in there, I’ll make this relevant in just a few sentences). In the game, you have to complete tasks in a particular sequence in order to solve a challenge. Get the sequence wrong and you’ll end up stuck in the game. The game has a flow […]

14 December 2011

Hitting a Message Homerun

With a just a little thought, a good message can become a great message. What’s the difference? A recipient reads a good message. But, a recipient shares a great message with their friends and family. Turning a good message into a great message isn’t that hard. The key things that take a message up a level include: Benefit […]